I've just gone through and updated the side-bar. I've actually accomplished a bit:-)
Items 19, 23, 35, 40, 41, 50, 52, 53, 66, 78, 98 and 100 are completed.
19.Put up the spice rack.
23.De-clutter laundry. (Could have more done, but I'm counting it anyway.)
35.Get an adult couch.
40.Put up the picture rail.
41.Organise patterns.
50.Take Puggle outside everyday for a month (nature study).
52.Make a list of words to sign with Puggle. Although, we keep adding more.
53.Learn the AUSLAN signs for all words on Puggle’s list. We have to keep learning more as we add words.
66. Cook dinner for immediate family at least once every two months (both sides!) (I can't remember what I meant? Both sides the same time? If it's just each one separately, then we do this.)
78.Eat breakfast every day.
98.Re-calculate our home insurance requirements.
100.Sort out our health insurance.
Items 13, 14, 20, 22, 25, 30, 31, 36, 37, 38, 39, 47, 48, 54, 55, 59, 68, 79, 83 and 96 are in progress.
13. De-clutter lounge. (Begun)
14. Child-proof the lounge. (it has been, then Puggle got bigger, so it's still on the list.)
20. Deal with the pantry. (Begun)
22. Child-proof the kitchen. (We've put up a gate so he can't get into it, that sort of counts.)
25. De-clutter patio. (Begun, it's been consolidated, and I got rid of some stuff, but still some way to go.)
30. De-clutter the spare room. (Begun, well, I've rearranged it so the clutter is less overwhelming. And it's child-proofed to some degree. And Puggle's bed is made:-) )
31. Re-do the window treatment in the lounge. (Begun. I've replaced the venetians and curtains, but I'm waiting to hear that Spotlight have the fabric so I can replace the pelmut. I wouldn't bother, but if I don't, we'll have holes in the wall to fix.)
36. Mulch the back yard. (Begun, I've started whipper-snippering!)
37. Catalogue our books. (Begun, the software was loaded on my laptop for me to work on, then it's power source died [I think that was the problem])
38. Catalogue our DVD/videos/CDs. (As above. Actually, Pad is doing this mostly.)
39. Make our bed every day for a month. (I'd forgotten this, but I have been doing it the last couple of days...)
47. Do a To Do list daily for a month. (almost:-( About 3 weeks, then I stopped. Will have to try again.)
48. Check the To Do list each day for a month and cross off things as I do them. (same as the last one.)
54. Hug Puggle and Pad first thing every morning and last thing every night. (Half and half. Still working on it.)
55. Start a journal for Puggle and write in it at least three times a week. (Begun, I was being regular, but now, not so much.)
59. Spend one evening a fortnight at home with none of us on the computer or watching TV. (It's happened on occasion!)
68. Update (and maintain) my address book in two places (electronically, and in Control Journal). (Getting there.)
79. Eat lunch every day. (Getting there. I find it harder to do this.)
83. Sew Puggle’s floor rug. (Progress being made, I've cut all the animals, pinned them all, and appliquéed one.)
96. Be more active in caring for the garden. (in progress, I have four vegie garden beds out the front. They have plants. I'm looking after them.)
And I've had to give up on 101:-(
101. Use frequent flyer points before they become useless. (Failed:-( )
Items 19, 23, 35, 40, 41, 50, 52, 53, 66, 78, 98 and 100 are completed.
66. Cook dinner for immediate family at least once every two months (both sides!) (I can't remember what I meant? Both sides the same time? If it's just each one separately, then we do this.)
Items 13, 14, 20, 22, 25, 30, 31, 36, 37, 38, 39, 47, 48, 54, 55, 59, 68, 79, 83 and 96 are in progress.
13. De-clutter lounge. (Begun)
14. Child-proof the lounge. (it has been, then Puggle got bigger, so it's still on the list.)
20. Deal with the pantry. (Begun)
22. Child-proof the kitchen. (We've put up a gate so he can't get into it, that sort of counts.)
25. De-clutter patio. (Begun, it's been consolidated, and I got rid of some stuff, but still some way to go.)
30. De-clutter the spare room. (Begun, well, I've rearranged it so the clutter is less overwhelming. And it's child-proofed to some degree. And Puggle's bed is made:-) )
31. Re-do the window treatment in the lounge. (Begun. I've replaced the venetians and curtains, but I'm waiting to hear that Spotlight have the fabric so I can replace the pelmut. I wouldn't bother, but if I don't, we'll have holes in the wall to fix.)
36. Mulch the back yard. (Begun, I've started whipper-snippering!)
37. Catalogue our books. (Begun, the software was loaded on my laptop for me to work on, then it's power source died [I think that was the problem])
38. Catalogue our DVD/videos/CDs. (As above. Actually, Pad is doing this mostly.)
39. Make our bed every day for a month. (I'd forgotten this, but I have been doing it the last couple of days...)
47. Do a To Do list daily for a month. (almost:-( About 3 weeks, then I stopped. Will have to try again.)
48. Check the To Do list each day for a month and cross off things as I do them. (same as the last one.)
54. Hug Puggle and Pad first thing every morning and last thing every night. (Half and half. Still working on it.)
55. Start a journal for Puggle and write in it at least three times a week. (Begun, I was being regular, but now, not so much.)
59. Spend one evening a fortnight at home with none of us on the computer or watching TV. (It's happened on occasion!)
68. Update (and maintain) my address book in two places (electronically, and in Control Journal). (Getting there.)
79. Eat lunch every day. (Getting there. I find it harder to do this.)
83. Sew Puggle’s floor rug. (Progress being made, I've cut all the animals, pinned them all, and appliquéed one.)
96. Be more active in caring for the garden. (in progress, I have four vegie garden beds out the front. They have plants. I'm looking after them.)
And I've had to give up on 101:-(
101. Use frequent flyer points before they become useless. (Failed:-( )
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